To what extent is feminism compatible with other political ideologies?
- Created by: Sophie
- Created on: 15-04-16 09:03
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- To what extent is feminism compatible with other political ideologies?
- Conservatism
- Organic society, gender division between 'public man' and 'private woman' is desirable
- Extoll the nuclear family, which many feminists wish to abolish
- NR NC link feminism to family breakdown and juvenile delinquency
- BUT: could have 'equal but different' feminism
- And the NR NL idea of eq of op and meritocracy
- Socialism
- 'bourgeois family'
- Reserve army of labour
- Serves economic interests of capitalism
- Patriarchy and capitalism interlocking
- Social revolution, overthrow of capitalism
- Subordination of women originates in private property, passing on to biological son
- Modern SF would want woman to be paid for domestic duties
- Juliet Mitchel: society had reduced women to sexual objects, unpaid labourers and reproducers
- Liberalism
- First wave feminism liberal
- Suffrage (Mill) and education (Wollstonecraft)
- Wollstonecraft 'they are human beings'
- All rational, self-seeking indv
- Genderless 'personhood', gender is secondary
- Champion formal equality in public sphere, gender should have no influence on a person's potential
- Judged on the content of their character, talent etc
- Although disagree with radical idea that 'the personal is the political' as private sphere should remain realm of freedom and autonomy, dangerous to politicise it
- Women should be free to choose domestic duties if they want
- Liberal idea of tolerance, however, they do not extend this tolerance to practices such as FGM and forced marriage
- Betty Friedman 'the feminine mystique'
- Women should be free to choose domestic duties if they want
- First wave feminism liberal
- Radical Feminists
- Rejects all mainstream political thought
- Gender is deepest social cleavage
- Liberal only seeks to reform in public sphere
- Socialism too focused on the class war not the sex war
- Need sexual revolution to overthrow strucutres of personal and political life
- Family responsible for women's subordination
- Socialisation
- Family responsible for women's subordination
- R preaches sisterhood over individualism
- Anarchism
- False conciousness
- De Beauvoir
- Theory of 'otherness'
- Due to biology, woman seen to be inferior in all aspects of life, in men's eyes and also their own (internalized misogyny)
- Theory of 'otherness'
- Patriarchy is the result of involuntary coercive hierarchy
- Susan L. Brown 'as anarchism is a political philosophy that opposes all relationships of power, it is inherently feminist'
- Post-Modern Feminism
- The others ignore myriad of issues that have a role in the subjugation of women
- Intersectional Feminism: Race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, infertility
- Conservatism
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