Topic 3: Class, Power and Crime
- Created by: Lilly_B
- Created on: 17-06-17 15:14
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- Topic 3: Class, Power and Crime
- Explaining class differences in crime
- Functionalism
- Miller: lowerclass: for subcultures which deviate from social norms = commit more crime
- Strain theory
- Merton: working-class more likely to seek illegitimate means of achieving goals = innovation + utillitarian crime
- Subcultural theories
- Cohen: deprived working-class youths with status frustration create delinquent subcultures
- Labelling theories
- Instead of seeking supposed causes of working-class crime, focus on why working-class people come to be labelled crimnal
- Functionalism
- Marxism, class and crime
- Crimgenic capitalism
- Crime is evevitable as it causes crime by its own nature
- Povery = crime is the only way working-class can survive + obtain consumerist goods
- Alienation and frustration leads to aggressive non-utilitarian crime
- Capitalism and profit motive encourages 'dog eat dog' mentaility for middle-class
- State and lw-making
- Chambliss: African colonisation coffee tax
- Snider: capitalist systems reluctent to pass laws which regulate business activity
- Idological functions of crime/law
- Pearce: laws passed appearing to help working-class only give capitalism a 'caring face' + instills false class conciousness (+keeps workforce healthy)
- State enforces law selectivley, making working-clss crime a large phenomenon which is perpetualted by the media
- Evaluation
- Too deterministisc and over-predicts working-class crime
- Ignores low crime rates in capitalist societies of Japan and Switzerland
- Crimgenic capitalism
- Neo-Marxism: critical criminology
- Anti-determinism
- Taylor et al: crime is a voulenteeristi political move - not just proletariat puppers
- A fully social theory of deviance
- Combination of marxism and interactionalism
- Wider origins of deviant act, immediate origins of deviant act, act itself. imediate social reaction, effects of social labelling
- Evaluation
- Romanticises crimes in 'robin hood' mentality + ignores inter-class crime
- Doesn't take crime and its effects on victims seriously
- Anti-determinism
- Crimes of the powerful
- Explanations of coperate crime
- Strain theory: Box utillises Merton's working-class 'innovation' for bussinesses
- Differential association: Sunderland: deviant subcultures and techniques of neutralisation (Matza)
- Labelling theory: Nelken - 'de-lebelling' + aviodance through laywers and accountants
- Marxism: Box- 'mystification' legitimises crime
- The scale and types of coperate crime
- Financial crimes, crimes against consumers, crimes against employers, crimes against environment, state-coperate crime
- Abuse of trust
- Carrabine: we entrust bussinesses with our finances, health and security which they can abuse
- Ex: GP Shipman - violated patients and pharmicicsts by killing patients with morphine overdoses
- Invisability of Coperate crime
- The media, lack of political will, complex crime, de-labelling, underreporting
- Evaluation
- Nelken: compaies abvoid crime for good relations + marketing image
- Explanations of coperate crime
- Explaining class differences in crime
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