Peacemaking 1919-1936
- Created by: Georgie
- Created on: 13-11-12 21:32
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- Topic 2 - Peacemaking
- The Paris Peace Conference (January 1919)
- Clemenceau (France) - wanted very harsh punishment for Germany for causing the war and the amount of suffering and damage given to France
- George (Britain) - wanted the peace treaty to be firm but fair, didn't want to leave Germany wanting revenge. Also wanted strong trade with Germany.
- Wilson (America) - wa an idealist, the war hadn't affected the US, as a result he wanted to have a fair treaty based on his 14 points- (including the League of Nations, diarmament and self-determination for all nations).
- The Treaty of Versailles
- The League of Nations
- The Paris Peace Conference (January 1919)
- The Paris Peace Conference (January 1919)
- Clemenceau (France) - wanted very harsh punishment for Germany for causing the war and the amount of suffering and damage given to France
- George (Britain) - wanted the peace treaty to be firm but fair, didn't want to leave Germany wanting revenge. Also wanted strong trade with Germany.
- Wilson (America) - wa an idealist, the war hadn't affected the US, as a result he wanted to have a fair treaty based on his 14 points- (including the League of Nations, diarmament and self-determination for all nations).
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