topic 2 childhood
Topic 2 mmindmap over view yet to finish in detail
- Created by: sadia_hussain
- Created on: 27-01-14 21:02
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- Topic 2 childhood
- Childhood as a social construct
- The modern western notion of childhood
- Cross-cultural differences in chidhood
- Historical differences in childhood
- Reasons for changes in the position of children
- The future of chidhood
- The disappearance of childhood
- A separate childhood culture
- The globalisation of western childhood
- Contradictory trends- the reconstruction of childhood?
- Has the position of children improved
- The march of progress view
- The conflict view
- Inequalities among children
- Inequalities between children and adults
- Neglect and abuse
- Controls over children's space
- Controls over children's time
- Controls over children's bodies
- Controls over children's access
- Age patriarchy
- Summary
- Childhood as a social construct
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