toyota caes study mind map
- Created by: 10akhan
- Created on: 28-04-14 11:52
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- Toyota case study
- started in japan in 1937
- head quarters are in japan
- revenue of $200 billion
- in 1950 moved to brazil
- in 2010 it was the biggest tnc in the world
- after 70 years of opening it became the biggest producer of cars in the world
- 51 over sea's manufacturing companies
- profit of $11 billion in 2006
- employed 250,00 people in 2006
- employed 320,00 people in 2010
- employs people in 26 different country's
- opened plant in burn Aston (motor sport valley) in 1992
- 8.5 million cars produced world wide in 2010
- started in japan in 1937
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