Traditional costume in The Servant to Two Masters
- Created by: Mighty Atom
- Created on: 25-03-19 12:00
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- Traditional costume in The Servant to Two Masters
- Harlequin (Truffaldino)
- a suit with diamond shaped red, green and blue pattern.
- A rakish hat above a black mask
- Carried a wooden sword or slapstick (slit down the middle which would make a slap sound when it hit someone)
- Brighella
- Hooked nose and moustache
- Jacket and trousers ornamented with green braid.
- The lovers
- Young and handsome, did not wear masks and were usually dressed in the latest fashions
- Pantalone
- tight fitting red vest, red breeches and stockings
- soft slippers,a black ankle-length cloak
- A soft, brimless cap, a brown mask with a large hooked nose and scraggly grey beard
- Dr Lombardi
- The academic cap and gown of the time to show off his supposed wisdom
- Harlequin (Truffaldino)
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