Treaty of Versailles
- Created by: CharlotteAmuwu
- Created on: 26-04-19 11:38
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- Treaty of Versailles
- Terms (TRAWL)
- Territory (Land)
- 10% land taken
- Anschluss (union) between Germany and Austria forbidden
- German colonies in Africa given to League of Nations
- Germany split in two by polish corridor ( ***** of land which allows Poland access to sea)
- Reparations (Money)
- Article 232
- Germany blamed for war and had to pay winners
- Total set as £6.6 billion
- Estimated it would take until 1988 to pay back
- Article 232
- Armaments (Army)
- German not allowed tanks, submarines or air forces
- Navy limited to 15,000 men, 1,500 officers and 6 battleships
- Rhineland demilitarized
- No army or defenses on it.
- Conscription not allowed
- Army limited to 100,000 men.
- War Guilt
- Article 231
- Germany and their allies had to take full responsibility for starting the war
- War guilt clause
- Germans hated this one
- Article 231
- League of Nations
- Germany not allowed to join.
- Took land from German
- Coal mines put under control of LofN for 15 years
- Important part of German industry
- Territory (Land)
- Criticism
- Left Germany in financial ruin
- Affected Germany for the next 20 years
- Gave Hitler an excuse to invade
- Treaty seen as unfair
- However:
- Germany was able to rebuild after the Treaty
- By 1929 Germany one of the most powerful countries in Europe
- Aftermath
- Germany was starving and needed help rebuilding the tattered land
- Because of the bombing and the British blocking the food from being imported.
- Allies blamed Kaiser for war and had him abdicate
- German people shocked because of severity
- Neither fair nor justified
- Diktat (forced peace)
- Neither fair nor justified
- Germany had to give up their rich coal mines in the Soar and overseas colonies.
- Had to give up 48% of their steel.
- Germany humiliated by loss of their army
- Germany was starving and needed help rebuilding the tattered land
- Conse-quences of TofV
- Negative
- 6 million Germans lived outside of Germany fearing persecution
- Germany lost 13% of land
- Germans felt vulnerable
- Germany had to take all responsibility
- Was a Diktat (forced peace)
- Reparations crippled Germany
- Last payment in 2011
- Negative
- Terms (TRAWL)
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