Alexander III 'The Great Reaction'
- Created by: susanna
- Created on: 11-05-13 10:56
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- Alexander III 'The Great Reaction'
- Alexander III 1881-1917
- Political Reforms
- Replaced his father's liberal ministers with Pobedonostsev
- Manifesto April 1881
- Absolute political power in the hands of the Tsar
- Statue of Security- state could arrest and put on trial anyone without a jury
- Press freedom restricted and foreign books and newspapers were restricted by the Okharana
- 1889- all Russian universities closed because of student demonstrations
- Financial Reforms
- In 1881 Russia had a backward economy based on agriculture
- Finance Ministers
- Nikolai Bunge - 1882, he reduced tax on peasants, established the Peasant Land Bank
- Ivan Vyshnegradsky- 1889, financial incentives for peasants to move to Siberia (more land) and began to finance Russia's economic development with foreign investment
- Russification
- Ruled over a multi-ethnic empire
- Made everyone speak one language and follow the Orthodox Religion.
- 1885- Made Russian the official language of the empire
- All official documents had to be in Russian
- All education had to be taught in Russian
- Large Jew communities were persecuted
- Increased Land Control
- 1889- Land Captains to enforce local control
- 1890- Land Captains now part of the zemstvas (elected local government)
- Pobedonostsev put all zemstva primary schools under church control and banned any peasant and workers children from entering secondary education
- Political Reforms
- Alexander II 1855-1881
- Assassinatid by the group 'Peoples Will'
- 1861- emancipation of the serfs
- Alexander III 1881-1917
- Financial Reforms
- In 1881 Russia had a backward economy based on agriculture
- Finance Ministers
- Nikolai Bunge - 1882, he reduced tax on peasants, established the Peasant Land Bank
- Ivan Vyshnegradsky- 1889, financial incentives for peasants to move to Siberia (more land) and began to finance Russia's economic development with foreign investment
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