- Created by: CharlotteCLock
- Created on: 22-05-24 15:14
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- Trade Union rights over time
- Reconstruction
- Gilded Age
- 1900-1914
- 1919-1933
- New Deal
- 1945-1965
- 1966-1992
- 1945-1965
- New Deal
- 1919-1933
- 1900-1914
- Gilded Age
- Reconstruction
- Opposition - no union recognition or negotiation, immigrants being exploited
- Group - growth of workers and KoL founded
- Congress - no action
- Opposition - pinkerton agents in Homestead strike
- Congress - national guard sent to Homestead strike
- Pres - Cleveland stopped communications in Pullman strike
- Group - 2m joined unions,
- Opposition - Colorado strikers were attacked by National Guard, people killed
- Cong - no action
- Cong - AFL no strike policy, wages increase 20%, 8 hour working day
- Opposition - none
- Pres - no strike deal with AFL
- Group - no strike deal
- Opposition - red scare, anti-communist fears, welfare capitalism, no union recognition
- Group - wildcat strikes, 4 million in strikes
- Cong - NIRA, Wagner Act, FLSA
- Pres - pro-labour legislation
- Group - sit down strikes, memorial day, CIO, 21% in unions
- Opposition - not all unions, some left out, women unequal
- Cong + Pres - take over industry, no strike policy, NLRB set up
- Opposition - right to work laws in south
- Pres + Cong - Taft Hartley, cold war began
- Group - strikes post-war, CIO communism, wage increases, less unionised, AFL-CIO
- Opposition - cold war conservatism, Taft Hartley
- Pres - equal pay act, LBJ great society, PATCO strike, Reagan anti-unionists in NLRB
- Group - drop in membership, divisions, PATCO, Chavez, Grape strike
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