Forensic Psychology Studies
- Created by: PixieSparky
- Created on: 09-03-16 12:08
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- Forensics
- Turning To Crime
- Biology
- Raine (Brain Structures)
- Wilson and Daly (Life Expectancy)
- Brunner (Genetic Abnormality)
- Biology
- Making A Case
- Interviewing Suspects
- Mann (Detecting Lies)
- Gudjohnnson (False Confession)
- Inbau (Reid's nine steps of interrogation)
- Interviewing Witnesses
- Loftus (Weapon Focus)
- Fisher (Cognitive Interview)
- Bruce (Internal and External Features)
- Offender Profiling)
- Canter (American - Top Down)
- Canter (British - Bottom Up)
- Canter (The Case of John Duffy)
- Interviewing Suspects
- After A Guilty Verdict
- Alternatives to Imprisonment
- Mair and May (Probation)
- Sherman and Strang (Restorative Justice)
- Eberhardt (Likelihood of Receiving Death Sentence)
- Treatment Programmes
- Can (Cognitive Skills Programme - Reoffending)
- Whetley (Ear Acupuncture)
- Ireland (Impact of Anger Management Programmes)
- Imprisonment
- Gillis (Effects of Community Based Employment on Reoffending)
- Dooley (Prison Suicide)
- Haney and Zimbardo ( USA Prison Policy)
- Alternatives to Imprisonment
- Turning To Crime
- Interviewing Witnesses
- Loftus (Weapon Focus)
- Fisher (Cognitive Interview)
- Bruce (Internal and External Features)
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