Forensic Psychology
Forensic Psychology Mindmap,
Different topics, subsections, and studies/theoriests overview.
- Created by: elis0201
- Created on: 24-02-14 18:42
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- Forensic Psychology
- Turning to Crime
- Upbringing
- Disrupted Families (Bowlby)
- Learning from Others (Sutherland)
- Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods (Wikstrom)
- Cognition
- Criminal Thinking Patterns (Palmer & Hollin)
- Moral Development (Kohlberg)
- Social Cognition (Jahoda)
- Biology
- Brain Dysfunction (Raine)
- Genes & Serotonin (Brunner)
- Gender (Daly & Wilson)
- Upbringing
- Making a Case
- Interviewing Witnesses
- Recognising and Recreating faces by E-fit (Frowd)
- Factors Influencing Accurate Identification, weapon focus effect (Pickel)
- The Cognitive Interview (Fisher & Geiselmann)
- Interviewing Suspects
- Detecting Lies (Vrij & Mann)
- Interrogation Techniques (Inbau and Reid)
- False Confessions (Gudjonsson)
- Creating a Profile
- Top-Down Typology (Ressler)
- Bottom-Up Approach (Canter)
- Case Study (John Duffy profile, Canter)
- Interviewing Witnesses
- Reaching A Verdict
- Persuading a Jury
- Effect of Order on Testimony (Pennington & Hastie)
- Persuasion - Yale Model (Hovland and Janis)
- Effect of Evidence being ruled inadmissable (Broeder)
- Witness Appeal
- Attractiveness of Defendent (Castellow)
- Witness Confidence (Penrod & Cutler)
- Effects of Shields and Video-Tapes (Ross et al).
- Reaching a Verdict
- Stages in Decision Making (Stoner)
- Majority Influence (Asch)
- Minority Influence (Moscovici)
- Persuading a Jury
- Turning to Crime
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