Twelfth Night Crticial Interpretations

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  • Twelfth Night Critical Interpretation
    • 1800s
      • We are al, in varying degrees, insane... Some have a graceful poetic madness, others a madness grotesque and trivial."- E.Montegut, 1867
      • Shakespeare erected the exquisite, grace-ful structure of the most perfect of his comedies.- F.Kreyssig, 1862
    • 2000s
      • The play doesn't really end in marriage... Rather than a multiplication of couples, it might be said that the play ends with a lone figure, Feste, and his song is the last word.- F.E. Dolan, 2014
      • It is a mistake that some actors have made to play Malvolio as a near tragic victim. - Peter Thomson, 2002
    • 1900s
      • "Twelfth Night is, to me, the last play of Shakespearesgolden age.- H.Granville-Barker
      • Every character has his masks, for the assumption of the play is that no one is without a mask"- J.H Summers, 1955
      • I surmise that the ultimate effect of Twelfth Night is to make the audience ashamed of itself- Ralph Berry, 1981
    • 1700's
      • [Malvolio] has wit, Learning, and Discernment, but temper'd with an Allay of Envy, Self-Love, and Detraction"- Richard Steele 1711
      • [Twelfth Night] is in the graver part elegant and easy, and in some of the lighter scenes exquisitely humorous- Samuel Johnson 1965


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