Two questions on Obedience (2017 mark scheme.)
Two questions from June 2017 Paper 1 marks scheme.
The format shows you the Question, the AO1 and A03 marks as well as the mark scheme.
- Created by: Mr.Bear
- Created on: 17-05-19 12:47
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- A01
- Authoritarian personality is a collection of traits developed from strict/rigid parenting.
- Discuss the authoritarian personality as an explanation for obedience.
- AO3
- Dispositional explanations cannot explain obedience in entire societies.
- Research findings in obedience studies, e.g Milgram can be more readily explained by situational factors.
- Use of evidence/analysis of evidence to illustrate the validity of the explanation, eg using the F-scale
- Methodological evaluation of evidence if used to discuss the strength, or otherwise, of the explanation
- Comparison with alternatives.
- Marks
- Level Marks Description 4 7–8
- Knowledge of the authoritarian personality is accurate with some detail.
- Discussion of the authoritarian personality as an explanation of obedience is thorough and effective. .
- Level Marks Description 4 7–8
- AO3
- Examples of traits – conformist/ conventional/ dogmatic/ hostile towards those of perceived lower status (e.g scapegoating)
- Obedient/servile towards people of perceived higher status.
- Assessment of the authoritarian personality using the F-scale
- Outline one alternative explanation for obedience.
- Marks
- 3 marks.
- A clear, coherent alternative explanation with some detail
- 2 marks.
- Alternative explanation outlined with some elaboration.
- 1 mark.
- A very brief or muddled outline.
- 3 marks.
- A01
- Legitimacy of authority: of context/setting; genuineness/status of authority figure
- Agentic shift/state: person ‘unthinkingly’ carries out orders; diffusion of responsibility
- Accept situational factors/variables that affect obedience if these are presented asexplanations eg proximity; location; uniform.
- Accept other possible explanations, eg ‘foot in the door’/gradual commitment; presence of‘buffers’; locus of control
- Marks
- A01
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