types of electoral systems
- Created by: Chantelle..
- Created on: 18-11-18 20:44
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- types of electoral systems
- majoritarian
- first past the post
- winning by first to reach the finishing line
- governed by majority
- alternative vote
- vote in order of preference
- supplementary vote
- vote first and second preference
- first past the post
- proportional
- list system
- open
- votes have an influence in the order of who's elected
- closed
- party officals determine order of candidates
- open
- single transferable vote
- votes can be transferred to other candidates
- if first choice is eliminated
- votes can be transferred to other candidates
- seats in proportion to the votes
- list system
- mixed
- additional member system
- votes separately for a party and representative
- additional member system
- majoritarian
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