Types of Long term memory
- Created by: princess adewale
- Created on: 23-11-16 18:36
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- Types of long term memory
- Episodic memory
- Contains memories such as thoughts
- Memories that are episodic are usually based on events that occur in peoples lives
- Determined by the emotions present at the time the memory is being coded
- Tragic events are recalled better due to strong emotional attachment
- Semantic memory
- Contains the knowledge, facts, concepts and meanings the individual has learnt e.g. the capital of France is Paris.
- It is related to how certain objects work and their functions e.g. mathematics or language
- High processing that occurs when coding. This allows semantic memories lasting longer than episodic memories
- Procedural memory
- Focused on recalling how do something i.e swimming reading
- Procedural memories are usually learn’t through repetition and practice
- Language is believed to be a procedural memory as it helps individuals speak using the correct grammar and syntax without having to give this thought.
- Episodic memory
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