Rel Orgs
- Created by: Mandy
- Created on: 27-04-13 13:10
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- Types of religion
- Church
- Sect
- Demomination
- Cult
- New Rel Movements NRMs
- New Age Religion
- Formal, Heirarchical, Bureaucracy, widely accepted, linked to the state, specific and predictable rituals.
- Widely accepted, no link to state,, less formal, lay persons lead, methodists/baptists
- Charismatic leader, belief in superiority, tend to conflict with others, repres individuality, insular, require loyalty
- Diff to distinguish
- Stark & Bainbridge
- Audience Cults
- Client Cults
- Cult movements
- Wallis
- World affirming
- World Rejecting
- World-Accomodating
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