Types of religious organisation
- Created by: chicalatina
- Created on: 13-03-14 15:02
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- Types of religious organisation
- Troeltsch
- Identified different religious organisations and found differences in churchs and sects. REFER TO TABLE.
- Niebuhr - provided the first analysis of denominations that have steadily increased in number over the past 200 years.
- New religious movements
- Wallis - the explosion of new religions and organisations. NRMs are a way of classifying religious groups based on their relationship with the world.
- World-rejecting - most common with sects as their beliefs are critical of the outside world an seek radical change.
- World-affirming - lack of typical characteristics of a religion and are positive about the world but individuals lack something spiritually and prevent them from success.
- World-acomodating - often offshots of existing major church/ denomination. Don't accept or reject the world; they live with it. Some try to restore spirituality purity to a religion that they believe have lost its commitment to core values.
- Wallis - the explosion of new religions and organisations. NRMs are a way of classifying religious groups based on their relationship with the world.
- Wallis
- Criticisms
- Wallis' typology ignores the diversity of beliefs within a NRM.
- Not clear whether Wallis is categorising NRMs according to the movement's teachings or individual members' beliefs.
- Stark & Bainbridge reject constructing typologies.
- Similarities and differences between religious organisations.
- Churches and sects claim their interpretation of aith is the only legitimate one.
- Denominations and cults accept that there can be many valid interpretations.
- Churches and denominations are seen as respectable/ egitimate.
- Sects and cults are see as deviant.
- Criticisms
- Sects and cults
- Criticisms
- They don't fit into today's society e.g. some churches have lost their monopoly and now a denomination.
- Stark & Bainbridge - two organisations in conflict with wider society.
- Sects - result from schisms (splitting of an established church due to disagreements about doctrine).
- Cults - new religions e.g. Scientology or new to particular societies that have been imported, e.g. TM
- Sects promise other-wordly benefits to those suffering economic/ ethcal deprivation.
- Cults tend to offer this-wordly benefits to those suffering psychic (anomie) or organismic (health problems) deprivation.
- Subdivision of cults
- Client - based on a relationship between a consultant and client, providing services to followers e.g. therapy.
- Audience -don't involve formal membership or commitment, little interaction between members, participation may be via media
- Cultic movements - demand high level commitment, aims to meet members religious needs and aren't able to belong to other religious groups.
- Criticisms
- Troeltsch
- Stark & Bainbridge reject constructing typologies.
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