Types of Training
- Created by: annabertram
- Created on: 04-02-15 19:30
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- Types of Training
- Interval Training
- This type of training has periods of intense activity, with breaks of within the session to allow recovery.
- Forms of interval training include: training on the track, circuit training and weight training.
- Interval training can be designed so that most components of fitness can be improved.
- Benefits
- Aerobic interval training can lead to weight loss due to burning calories.
- It is a very flexible training method that can be used to improve health and fitness in a range of ways.
- It can improve powerful and explosive activities, but it can be adapted to improve cardiovascular fitness and endurance by altering the lengths of the rest period.
- It can be used for aerobic activities, however, it is usually used for anaerobic activities.
- Continuous Training
- In continuous training, each training session must be (preferably) 20 minutes or longer and not involve any breaks.
- Continuous training is aerobic and is therefore used for endurance-based activities.
- Aerobic activities are sub-maximal which means that you do not work flat out so that you can work for long periods of time.
- Benefits
- Cardiovascular fitness would improve.
- Muscular endurance would improve.
- It can reduce the chance of heart disease.
- Fartlek Training
- It is a form of continuous training with variations in pace and terrain.
- Changes of pace allow for recovery so a performer can work maximally.
- The changes of pace mean that the performer works both aerobically (jogging) and anaerobically (sprinting, running uphill).
- Activities associated with fartlek training are: netball, hockey, rugby and basketball.
- Benefits
- Cardiovascular fitness would improve.
- Muscular endurance would improve.
- It can reduce the chance of heart disease.
- It is a form of continuous training with variations in pace and terrain.
- Circuit Training
- Circuit training involves a chain of different activities that can be selected to suit individual or activity requirements.
- Depending on the i9ntensity of the activity, it can be aerobic or anaerobic.
- Usually, there are between 6 and 12 stations which can be skill or fitness based and the variety of stations allows recovery of muscle groups.
- There are usually 30-60 second breaks between activities so it is a type of interval training.
- Weight Training
- It is a form of interval training using weights.
- It involves 'reps and sets' with breaks in between the sets.
- Weight provides a resistance or load for the muscles to work against.
- Benefits
- It can improve power and strength (high weight x low number of reps).
- It can improve muscular endurance (low weight x high number of reps).
- Activities associated with weight training are: weight lifting, rugby and shot putt.
- Cross Training
- It is a method of training that uses a combination of other types of training.
- Performers who benefit from cross training are: triathletes, pentathletes and heptathletes.
- The benefits depend on what type of training is being performed.
- Cross training can be used to improve all round fitness and to add variety to training and therefore keep you motivated.
- It is useful if you do more than one activity or if your activity is made up of different types of events.
- Interval Training
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