uk party system
- Created by: Chantelle..
- Created on: 18-11-18 10:10
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- UK party system
- two part system
- two parties have a realistic chance
- regularly alternate in power
- UK had a two party system since WW1
- 2010 Coaltion- need to examine alternative explanations
- multiparty system
- more than two parties have a chance
- coalitions are the rule
- coalition- combination or allience
- proportional representation
- seats in proportion to the votes
- rise of liberal democrats
- suggests UK is becoming multi party system without reform
- dominant party system
- opposition parties banned outright
- one party stands a realistic chance
- e.g labour party 1997-2010
- other party systems
- wide variations throughout the country
- devolved institutions
- based on different models of proportional representation
- if institutions become more powerful
- impact on Westminster system
- UK elections to European parliment
- proportional representation
- produced multi party system
- two part system