Establishing Communist Rule 1949-57

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  • Establishing Communist Rule
    • Korean War
      • how did the Korean war personally impact Mao?
      • What was the significance of the 38th parallel?
      • Which countries supported North and South Korea and why?
      • How did the war contribute to social and economic issues in china such as The Great Famine?
      • How accurate is it to say the Korean War united the Chinese population?
    • Antis campaigns
      • What did the three antis target?
      • What did the 5 antis target?
      • How successful were the antis campaigns?
    • Reunification campaigns
      • Which three regions were targeted?
        • Why were the events in Tibet so important/ significant?
        • What occurred in each region?
      • What was the cause of the campaigns?
    • The 100 Flowers Campaign
      • What evidence is there that Mao's resultant anti-rightist campaign was an intentional trap?
      • What evidence is there that the anti-rightist campaign was not a trap for the intellectuals?
      • How successful was the campaign in securing Mao's control?
    • Political Structure
      • How significant was the New Constitution of 1954?
      • What did the CPPCC stand for?
        • Who was included in the CPPCC?
        • What policies did the CPPCC implement?
    • Aftermath of the Civil war
      • What economical issues did Mao face?
      • what was the political atmosphere like at this time?
      • How successful were Mao's solutions to the problems he faced?


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