unit 12 recreation, physical education, sport and leisure
- Created by: Cara J
- Created on: 11-09-16 20:46
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- Unit 12
- recreation
- characteristics
- unstructured (agreed)
- in free time
- enjoyment - stress relief
- anytime/ anyone/ anywhere
- examples
- park
- 'kick around' (football)
- free swimming (ie. sea)
- characteristics
- physical education
- characteristics
- structured/ planned
- compulsory
- supervised
- learn new skills and techniques
- health and safety
- example
- PE lesson in school
- characteristics
- Sport
- characteristics
- requires training
- competitive
- high knowledge of the game/ event
- judged by a referee/ umpire etc.
- examples
- premier league football
- olympics/ paralympics
- netball superleague
- characteristics
- leisure
- characterisitcs
- unstructured
- in free time
- enjoyment - stress relief
- anywhere
- examples
- bike ride
- walk/ hike
- free swimming (ie. sea)
- characterisitcs
- recreation
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