Unit 4-2.2 Discuss the aims of punishment
- Created by: emma_smithy3
- Created on: 02-12-19 16:50
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- Aims of punishment
- Retribution
- Pay back-punishment on offender as revenge for a wrong or criminal act
- Punishment can be seen as display of public revulsion for the offence
- Doesn't seek to alter future behaviour, inflict punishment in proportion to offence
- Provides appropriate punishent to provide justice for both defendant and victim
- Reparation
- Offenders make up for the wrong the have done, doing so by giving back to the victim(s)
- Offender often pays the victim a sum of money or giving back to the community by doing unpaid work by community order
- Deterrence
- Puts people off of doing that crime
- Types of deterrence
- Individual
- Ensure offender doesn't reoffend-often using a suspended sentence
- General
- To prevent potential offenders committing a crime
- Individual
- Rehabilitation
- Idea punishment can be used to reform or change offenders to no longer offend-live a crime free life
- Can be seen in community sentences. include unpaid work or completion of education or train course and treatment for additions such as drugs or alcohol
- Retribution
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