Unit 7 - Health and Social Care
- Created by: becca_horton
- Created on: 27-05-16 09:26
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- Unit 7: Meeting individual needs
- Quality assurance
- Setting and maintaining good standards of care within an organisation
- Standards are statements of acceptable performance and outcome
- Can be understood by looking at: National standards, Policies, internal review/audit etc within the setting, and Professional accountability of care workers
- Auditing is the process of checking an activity or performance against standards
- National standards outline standards of care that all care organisations must meet
- Professional accountability means that everyone is responsible for their own actions and are accountable for the quality of service they provide
- Inspection
- Monitor and inspect organisations to ensure they meet national standards
- Inspected by regulated bodies e.g. The Care Quality Commission (CQC)
- Monitor and inspect organisations to ensure they meet national standards
- Clinical governance
- The process of improving the quality of care services within an organisation by improving work systems
- 5 areas of clinical governance
- 1. Risk management
- 2. Clinical audit
- 3. Education training + Professional development
- 4. Evidence based care + effectiveness
- 5. Patient and carer experience and involvement
- Purpose of quality assurance
- Measure the quality/benchmark
- Maintain/set standards
- System of redress/users experiences acknowledged
- Value for money
- Methods used to assess quality of services
- Customer satisfaction questionnaires
- Charters/ standards
- Audits /Appraisals
- Case record analysis
- Statistical analysis
- Setting and maintaining good standards of care within an organisation
- Care planning cycle
- 1. Referral for assessment
- 2. Assessment of need
- 3. Deciding eligibility of care
- 4. Drawing up a care plan
- 5. Identifying services to be provided
- 6. Review of care plan
- Sectors
- Public sector
- Also known as the statutory sector. Services are provided by the government. Accessible to all. Free at the point of delivery
- Independent sector
- NOT provided by the government. Made up of the Voluntary, Informal, and Private sectors
- Voluntary sector
- Non-profit organisations. Usually charities. Workers are volunteers who are unpaid and untrained
- Informal sector
- Friends/family provide care. Unpaid, untrained, time consuming work
- Private sector
- Services must be paid for by the service user. Greater choice of services and care provided
- Voluntary sector
- NOT provided by the government. Made up of the Voluntary, Informal, and Private sectors
- Public sector
- Assessing for care
- Importance of needs-led assessments
- Unique to the individual
- Appropriate to the individual needs
- Individual is empowered and involved in the decisions relating to care
- Individual is offered greater choice
- Greater flexibility in service provision
- Needs that are assessed
- Personal + social care needs
- Physical needs
- Cultural + religious needs
- Transport + access needs
- Financial needs
- Employment, education + leisure needs
- Carers needs are also assessed
- Risk assessment
- All service providers have a legal responsibility to complete a risk assessment befre the provide services
- This is to protect the health and safety of their staff
- Risks will be discussed and solutions to overcome/deal with them made
- Assessments include
- Layout/location of home
- Pets - Dangerous animals
- Whether the service user will need to be moved
- All service providers have a legal responsibility to complete a risk assessment befre the provide services
- Importance of needs-led assessments
- Quality assurance
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