unit 6: conflict, crisis and triumph 1573-88
- Created by: claud
- Created on: 05-05-15 12:20
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- Unit 6: Conflict, crisis and triumph 1573-88
- England and Spain tried to avoid open conflict
- Elizabeth tried to avoid the religious war in the Netherlands by using Alencon + mercenaries
- Elizabeth's intervention in Netherlands was a disaster
- Catholic threat in England
- Mary, Queen of Scots in England
- Ridolfi and Babington plots
- Mary's execution led to Spanish Armada
- defeat of Armada was a highpoint in reign
- Catholic priests in England
- Mary, Queen of Scots in England
- Key events: Spanish fury, Don Juan in Netherlands, English Spanish defensive neutrality, Treaty of Berwick, Babington plot, execution of Mary, QoS, defeat of Spanish Armada
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