Unseen Poetry-tips
- Created by: mattisrenee
- Created on: 20-01-15 13:31
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- Unseen Poetry
- Who is the poet talking to?
- What is the purpose of the poem?
- What are the themes of the poem?
- Look at the content of the language.
- Look at the title of the poem- is there a clue that gives away the meaning of the poem?
- What poetic devices are being used?
- Imagery
- Contrasts
- Rhyming scheme
- Tone/change of tone
- Repetition
- Metaphors
- Similies
- Language
- See how each stanza starts and ends.
- Look at the structure of the poem.
- Is there a change of tone?
- Explore emotions
- What are your thoughts on the poem?
- Identify techniques used
- Anotate the poem
- What is the effect of the punctuation?
- Answer past exam questions
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