Mariana key ideas
- Created by: sshahedab
- Created on: 28-04-14 14:54
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- dramatic monologue
- isolation
- "Upon the lonely moated grange."
- wish to die
- desperation
- refrain "Oh that I were dead!"
- desperation
- inactivity
- "She could not look on the sweet heaven,/Either at morn or eventide."
- dependency on men
- "She only said, "My life is dreary,/He cometh not," she said;/ She said, "I am aweary, aweary,/I would that I were dead!""
- refrain "Oh that I were dead!"
- decay of nature
- "With blackest moss the flower-plots/ Were thickly crusted"
- sexual desire
- "The shadow of the poplar fell/Upon her bed, across her brow."
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