Unused sensitive material
- Created by: Victoria
- Created on: 21-12-15 17:45
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- Unused sensitive material
- Material which the disclosure officer believes would give rise to a serious risk
- Examples
- material relating to national security
- material received from intelligence and security agency
- material about intelligence received from foreign sources which reveal sensitive techniques
- material given in confidence
- material relating to the identity or activity involving informants
- Material revealing the location of premises used for surveillance by the police or the identity of the persons allowing such use
- Material revealing techniques and methods used by the police
- Material that may facilitate the commission of other crimes and hinder the prevention or detection of crime
- Material used to obtain search warrants
- Material containing details of volunteers taking part in ID parades
- Material generated by an official body involved in the regulation of financial activities
- Material generated by a local authority in relation to a young person
- Material relating to the private life of a witness
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