Turning to Crime> Cognition> Moral Development
Mind map on Palmer and Hollin's 1998 study.
- Created by: Me22
- Created on: 24-12-13 20:39
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- Turning to Crime> Cognition> Moral Development, Palmer and Hollin
- Aim- To Investigate whether the development of moral reasoning in relation to offending behaviour is delayed in male delinquents.
- Sample
- Comparison group- 332 non-offenders (210f, 122m, 13-22) from a W. Midlands schools and Uni.
- Sample- 126 convicted offenders (m, aged 13-21) from Young Offender Institution and Magistrates' Court.The main offences were burglary and car theft.
- Method- Confidential questionnaire (Socio-economic status, SRD and SRM-SF).
- SRM-SF (Socio-moral Reasoning Measure-Short Form) is an 11 item questionnaire on moral topics including truth, life, contract and justice. the outcome of this is a SRM morality score from 100-400; scores of 100-125= Pre-conventional morality, Kohlberg's Lv1.
- SRD (Self-Reported Delinquency checklist) made sure there was different level of delinquency between the 2 groups via self-reported behaviour.
- Quasi experiment. IV= Offender or not DV= Moral development score,
- Results
- SRD confirmed offenders had committed more than non-offenders.
- Male offenders had the least mature moral reasoning (Predominantly Lv1).
- Non-offenders were using conventional reasoning.
- Conclusion- Young male delinquents have deficits in moral reasoning especially in value areas relating to delinquent behaviour.
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