- Created by: M
- Created on: 30-05-16 13:46
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- Upringing
- The role of the family- Juby and Farrington
- Biggest influence on criminality is family. If your family are criminals, it's likely that you will also be a criminal
- Test the hypothesis that problem families produce problem children
- 411 boys aged 8-9 from 6 East London state schools. They were white and from working class families
- Longitudinal study- used self reports and criminal data records
- - 48%... with convicted fathers (19% without) - 54%... with convicted mothers (23% without) - Offences peak at age 17
- Disrupted families: - delinquency rate higher with 75 boys who permanently lived in a disrupted home on their 15th birthday - parental disharmony causes more disruptions than parental death
- Children from broken but harmonious homes are less likely to be delinquents than those brought up in an intact but conflict ridden home
- Childhood risk factors at age 8-9 for later offending are: - low school attainment - poverty - poor parenting
- Poverty and Disadvantaged neighbourhoods- Wikstrom
- Investigate why young people offend
- Almost 2,000 14-15 year olds from 13 state schools in Peterborough (from 1957)
- Cross sectional study where data was collected from official records and students were interviewed
- - 45% males and 31% females had committed at least 1 crime during 2000 - high frequency offenders commit a wide range of crimes - offenders are more likely to abuse alcohol or drugs than non-offenders
- Wikstrom and Tafel suggested 3 groups of adolescent offenders: - Propensity induced- natural tendency to behave a certain way - Lifestyle dependent- offend when they have a high risk lifestyle - Situationally limited- occasionally offend when they are exposed to high levels of situational risk
- Learning from others- Bandura & Sutherland
- Bandura
- Behaviourism argues that all learning is environmentally driven
- SLT says that we learn not only by direct reinforcement but by imitation of others
- The 4 stages of SLT: Attention, Retention, Motivation, Reproduction
- Sutherland
- General need (i.e. poverty) is not sufficient explanation for crime
- The learning of criminal behaviour takes place in context of small groups with those who the young person has a close relationship with
- Young people also learn criminals beliefs and attitudes as 'rewarded' or 'acceptable'
- 8 principles: - Criminal behaviour is learned, not inherited - Criminal behaviour is learned through interaction with other people in a process of communication - Learning of criminal behaviour occurs within intimate personal groups - Learning of criminal behaviour involves all mechanisms that are involved in any other learning
- Bandura
- The role of the family- Juby and Farrington
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