Us constituion
- Created by: Molly chaney
- Created on: 04-06-24 14:38
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- The constitution US
- Codified
- Written down in a single text
- Implied powers
- Possessed by federal government by inference from powers delegated to them in constitution
- Necessary and proper clause
- In article 1,section 8
- Congresss can make all laws proper and necessary
- Reserved powers
- Powers not delegated to federal gov, reserved for states and people
- Concurrent powers
- Possessed by both federal and state governments
- Amendment process
- Two-stage process
- Bill Clinton 17 votes on amendments 0 worked
- George. W. Bush 6 votes only three met the 2/3 majority
- Advantages
- The lengthy time and complicated process makes sure that its not amended for a term issue
- Gives a magnified voice to smaller states
- Ensures against a veto being operated by congress
- Disadvantages
- Makes it very diff to change constitution so out-dated provision ( electoral college) stays
- The voice of small-pop states is over-represented
- Makes possible the thwarting of the will of the majority by a small unrepresentative minority
- Constitutional rights
- Fundamental rights guaranteed by the constitution.
- The three branches of gov ensure these rights are protected
- Principles of the constitution
- Segregation of powers
- Political power is distributed amongst the legislature, the executive and the judiciary
- Fear of tyranny
- One person can not be in more than one branch of gov
- Political power is distributed amongst the legislature, the executive and the judiciary
- Checks and balances
- Gives each branch the means to partially control the power exercised by others branches
- President
- Check congress by vetoing a bill passed
- Check courts by nominating judges and power of pardon
- State of union address- president sets out his proposed legislative programme
- Obama January 2010 healthcare reform
- Congress
- Overriding president veto
- Power of the purse
- Impeachment
- Declare law unconstitutional
- Refuse approve a person nominated (senate only)
- Federal courts
- Check congress by declaring a law unconstitutional
- President acts unconstitutional
- Segregation of powers
- Codified
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