US Defeat in Vietnam War
- Created by: 123
- Created on: 05-05-21 21:07
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- Why were the US defeated in the Vietnam War?
- Despite having high technology, the US often killed many innocent civilians and even there own troops.
- Demoralising effect on soldiers
- Anti-war movements
- The Vietcong
- Vietcong were far more experienced
- Knew their territory
- Fought Japanese in WW2
- Supplied locally by China and USSR
- South Vietnamese peasants supported Vietcong
- Guerrilla tactics used suited the jungle warfare
- Long distance war
- Over 12,000 km away
- Supply issues with weaponry and equipment
- Discipline of troops
- Drug taking and desertion was common with US troops
- Media
- Media coverage horrified US public
- By end of 1971, most Americans wanted war to end as quickly as possible
- Anti-war movements were large
- Despite having high technology, the US often killed many innocent civilians and even there own troops.
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