US vs UK constituion
- Created by: Molly chaney
- Created on: 04-06-24 16:49
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- Comparing US and UK constitution
- Nature of the two constitutions
- Structurally diffrent
- UK= uncodified
- US= codified
- Has a single document containing no more than 7000 words
- Some parts are uncodified, primary elections, cabinet etc
- Structurally diffrent
- Democracy and sovereignty in the two
- In the USA direct democracy and popular sovereignty are and always have been more in evidence.
- Both countries are democracy’s but the ideas and beliefs that shaped them are diffrent
- Between the 1780s and 1880s the House of Representatives was elected on a fair wider franchise than the House of Commons
- The senate has been directly elected since 1914 whereas Britain’s second chamber is unelected
- In the USA the 10th amendment says where the power lies- with the people
- British citizens are subjects of the crown, we have fewer opportunities for democratic participation
- Reflects the cultural heritage of the UK
- British citizens are subjects of the crown, we have fewer opportunities for democratic participation
- The provision of the two constitutions
- Both provide for systems of government that are represtative democracy
- Both provide for national governments divided into three branches
- Both now provide for a Supreme Court
- USA sub-national gov - state UK- devolved governments
- US= separated powers UK= fused powers
- Seperation/fusion of powers
- US is separate
- Nature of the two constitutions
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