Women in the 1920s (USA)
- Created by: rachelwalker
- Created on: 08-09-15 18:04
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- WOMEN IN THE 1920s
- Women formed 1/2 of the population
- Women wore restrictive clothing
- They were expected to be polite and not take part in sport or smoke in public
- Couldn't vote in most states
- Women in work had very low payed jobs
- Women had to have a chaperone on a date
- Women became more daring with their clothes
- Women smoked and drank in public
- Women went out without chaperons
- Women's employment increased
- However, they were still payed a lot less than men.
- There were many films and novels about sex which made women more confident
- However, many women saw this as opposition and there was some outrage as many women were still quite conservative and respected the church
- Women's views were wanted a lot more in politics
- However, men still saw them as 'unelectable'
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