USA 1919-1939
- Created by: lailanovell
- Created on: 02-06-17 10:27
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- USA 1919-1939
- Wall street crash
- 1929 the market crashed
- 5000 Banks closed
- Production dropped to 45%
- The reasons for the wall street crash:
- Over production of consumer goods and not core things eg Coal
- Over Speculation
- Getting loans people couldn't pay back
- Banks over lending and them not being stable
- Getting loans people couldn't pay back
- Tariffs on both US and European goods.
- The Great Depression
- 1932 - 1941
- The depression ends when America joins world war 2
- 13 Million Unemployed
- The unemployed qued in soup kitchens
- It started a world financial crisis
- Many lived in shanty towns called Hoovervilles.
- 1932 - 1941
- 1932 Election
- Roosevelt
- He wanted to stop the depression
- He promised to help the people
- Hoover helped him in what he had done when he was in power
- He wins
- Hoover
- He was the presedent when the wall st crash happened and when the depression started
- He said that the people of America have to solve there own problems this made him very unpopular
- Hoover helped him in what he had done when he was in power
- Roosevelt
- Roosevelt comes into power
- The First 100 days
- 9th March - 16th June 1933
- Economy act
- Cut all government budgets to go into new more helpful plans of action to put into the economy
- Alphabet Agencies
- Plans to help all problems
- CCC -Civillian Conservation Corps
- Got unmarried men to build schools, hospitals roads est and gets money to set up a life
- CCC -Civillian Conservation Corps
- AAA-Agricultural Adjustment Administration
- Plans to help all problems
- Emergency Banking
- Opened up 5000 trust worthy/ stable banks re-opened
- Rules were made to stop over speculation
- Opened up 5000 trust worthy/ stable banks re-opened
- The First 100 days
- Wall street crash
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