- Created by: courage007
- Created on: 25-05-18 16:08
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- Physical Geography
- Size
- 2nd largest country after Russia and Canada
- 2 separate states > Alaska, Hawaii
- Landscape
- eastern half > low/flat apart from Appalachian mountains > rolling hills
- Central plains > flat or gently rolling hills
- Great Plains > higher > good for farming as have fertile lands > cattle crops like wheat and barley
- Sierra Nevada > west coast
- Rocky Mountains > west
- Highest peak > Mt McKinley > 6194m > Alaska
- Rivers
- 250,000 rivers
- Mississippi and Missouri form 7000km together > 4th in world
- Rio Grande > 3000km> part of border with mexico
- Climate
- Alaska > coldest > North
- Inland > summer > high temps > winter > low temps
- Desserts in south west > Sonoran > Chihuahaun
- California > Mediterranean
- Hawaii > tropical
- Size
- Migration from Mexico
- The border between mexico and USA is 3140km
- Mexicans used to be allowed as provided cheap labour for agriculture and industries until 1976.
- over last 25 years authorities have tightened up security.
- In 2000 1.53 million Mexicans were detained and brought back to mexico
- There are 12 million illegal immigrants in the USA
- 2006 there was a heightened by 50% in security, a fence was built 1/3 of the way across the border.
- 1999>2000 2,249 deaths on the way to america
- have to cross large desert > guides called coyotes paid to take them > abandon people who can't continue
- Push factors
- Life expectancy: M > 75 > USA > 80
- GDP per capita US$ 8,900 > US $50,000
- Minimun wage $1 > US $7.25
- 1800 : 1 doc > US 390 : 1
- Pull factors
- Freedom, education, peace, safety , comfortable home , money
- true for many
- Freedom, education, peace, safety , comfortable home , money
- Physical Geography
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