USA: Immigration
All these mindmaps are segmented into different topics
I printed mine on A3 paper as i found it v difficult to use online and A4 was wayyy too small making the bubbles unreadable
Beware of the typos I was too lazy to fix them whoops
Enjoy the revison :)
- Created by: tidgywidgy
- Created on: 06-04-18 11:15
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- USA: Immigration
- Attitudes to immigration
- isolationism = restrictions on immigration
- Previously, USA had "open door" policy = unlimited immigration
- always been some who resented immigrants
- Isolationistpolicy
- "keep America American"
- Aimed to reduce immigration from EasternEurope + Italy as many from there were unskilled workers
- 1921: Emergency Quota act restricted immigration to 3% the number of immigrants from any county in the us Census in 1910
- Didn't stop prejudice
- 1924: Immigration act reduced to 2% + set limit of 150,000 per year
- 1917: literacy test = 40 word passage to ensure that immigrants could read + understand Eng in order to be allowed in USA
- Prejudice views for objecting immigrants
- often poor
- unskilled
- lived in poor, high crime areas + did not learn lang
- bought bad influence e.g. Italian mafia
- communist political ideas
- Sacco + Vanzetti case
- 15th April 1920 2 men killed + $15,777 stolen in robbery
- 5th May: S+V arrested for the crime (italian immigrants + anarchists)
- S+V earring guns when arrested - bullets the same as the ones in robbery
- v = robbed b4
- BUT 107 "eyewitnesses" saying S+V were elsewhere
- both sides accused each other of persuading ppl to be "eyewitnesses"
- 61 "eyewitnesses" who said it was S+v
- both sides accused each other of persuading ppl to be "eyewitnesses"
- 61 "eyewitnesses" who said it was S+v
- No clear evidence bc investigation techniques not as good
- Found guilty for the crime (biased judge?)
- Protests, appeals + petitions across USA + abroad
- Executed 23rd Aug 1927
- The Red Scare (from 1919)
- Fear of a communist revolution
- targets = immigrants, workers unions + left wing ideas
- Thousands were imprisoned, arrested and deported
- Why was there a Red Scare?
- Patriotism
- during ww1 gov, built up patriotism
- The USA were fighting Germany in Europe so many Americans were suspicious of Germans in the USA
- Suspicious of ppl who didn't support war e.g. IWW + Socialist Party
- When the war ended, soldiers formed Patriotic groups
- Largest: American legion (May 1919) = urged Gov to pass laws against immigrants + communists
- Economic Problems
- By the end of war, 4m ppl were in the armed forced + 9m worked in war industries
- war ends = unemployment
- some employers exploited the situation = low wages + more hours
- Workers Unrest
- Workers went on strike due to poor working conditions e.g, Seattle Shipyards (began 21st Jan 1919)
- 6th Feb. 60,000 workers went on strike = peaceful BUT due to publicity, ppl reacted as if it had been violent
- Strikes followed across the county, BUT the press reacted as if it was a communist uprising
- Violence
- Apr. 1919: over 30 letter bombs were posted to important ppl across USA to arrive for May 1st (half exploded)
- Early june: larger bombs sent (set off in 8 cities) = bombings by anarchist groups fuelled media hysteria
- Patriotism
- How did attitudes towards immigrants change after 1900? Why?
- "Keep America American"= passed laws to limit immigration
- Not enough land available as industry became more mechanised so the need for workers declined = new immigrants were poor with little education
- Immigrant ghettos began emerging = dangerous, violence, crime + prostitution. This caused Urban problems = widespread intolerance
- Attitudes to immigration
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