USA 1929-2000
- Created by: Will Pound
- Created on: 26-02-14 18:37
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- USA 1929-2000
- 1929-45
- Depression
- Wall Street Crash
- Banks Crash
- Unemployment
- Roosevelt
- New Deal
- Alphabet Agencies
- WPA: Workers Progress Administration
- Deficit spending
- Roosevelt recession
- WW2
- Helped restore economy
- Depression
- 1945-60
- Super Power
- Atomic bomb
- Came out of the war rich
- Benefited from war
- Consumer goods
- TV's, Kitchens, Suburb living
- Youth rebellion
- James Dean
- Live life fast, die young
- McCarthyism
- Fear of being connected to Communism
- 'Witch hunt'
- Super Power
- 1970s 80s
- Nixon
- Watergate
- Womens lives & rights
- N.O.W.
- Hippies
- Reagon
- Rich v Poor
- Reagonomics
- Vietnam
- Student protests
- Nixon
- Up to 2000
- Bush & Clinton
- Technology changes
- Music
- pop
- Variations
- Education
- 1929-45
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