Using immobilised enzymes
includes examples of immobilised enzymes.
- Created by: Zia19
- Created on: 05-02-21 10:19
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- Examples of immobilised enzymes
- Immobilised penicillin acylase
- Makes semi-synthetic penicillins from naturally produce penicillin.
- Very important in treating infections caused by bacteria resistant to the original penicillin.
- Immobilised glucose isomerase
- Used to produce fructose from glucose.
- can turn cheap glucose - from starch-rich plant material, into marketable fructose
- Immobilised lactase
- Used to produce lactose-free milk
- It hydrolyses lactose to glucose and galactose, giving lactose-free milk
- Immobolised aminoacylase
- Used to produce pure samples of L-amino acids used in the production of pharmaceuticals, organic chemicals, cosmetics, and food.
- Immobilised glucomylase
- Used to complete the breakdown of starch to glucose syrup
- Amylase breaks starch down to dextrins then immobilised glucomylase catalyses the breakdown of dextrins to glucose
- Immobilised nitrile hydrates
- plays an increasing role in the plastics industry
- Immobilised penicillin acylase
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