Utility Software
- Created by: Georgia
- Created on: 17-11-17 17:19
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- Utilities
- Defragmentation
- AS files are moved, lots of gaps appear so files are split more and more
- this makes reading and writing files slower
- defragmentation software recognises files to put them back together
- DEfragmentation software moves all files to collect free spaces together
- Not necessary on SSSs
- Can actually shorten their lifespan
- AS files are moved, lots of gaps appear so files are split more and more
- Helps configure or maintain the computer
- Back-up data
- A copy of a system's files and settings stored internally
- So data can be recovered in the event of data loss
- Data can be lost for many reasons
- Fire
- Theft
- Malware
- Hardware failure
- Flood
- Data can be lost for many reasons
- So data can be recovered in the event of data loss
- BAck-up utility software
- Has facilities such as
- scheduling regular backups
- Creating rescue disks
- Disk images
- Options for full or incremental backup
- Has facilities such as
- Full back-up
- A copy is taken of every file on the system
- Uses a lot of storage
- Can take a long time to create
- Faster to restore from
- Incremental back-up
- Only files created or edited since the last back-up are copied
- Use less storage
- Quicker to create
- Full system restore is v. slow
- The last full back-up must be restored, then every incremental back-up since then
- A copy of a system's files and settings stored internally
- Compression Software
- Reduces the size of files so they take up less disk space
- Often used on the internet
- Common file formats
- .zip
- .rar
- Need to be extracted before they can be used
- Encryption software
- Scrambles data to stop their parties viewing it
- Can be decrypted using a special key
- Defragmentation
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