validity mindmap
- Created by: shuli miron
- Created on: 08-09-22 18:01
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- validity refers to the exstent to which a
measuring tool, study or investigation is measuring whati it claims to be
measuring and whether the finding can be generalized beyond the research
setting in which at it was found.
- external validity the extent to which the results from a study can be generalized outside of the study to other people and different times.
- temporal the ablity to generlise the finidng from a study from an investigation beyong the particular historical context of study.
- ecological validity - the exstent to which the finding fromm a study can be generalised to other sitations places and conditions beyond the setting of a study.
- population validity - the extent to which the findings from a study can be generalized to other group0s of people including gender culture and ethnicity.
- internal validity the extent to which the test measured what It intended to measure for example does a personality or mood.
- face validity a way of assessing internal validity by
looking a the extent to which a test items ( e.g. questions on a questionn aire
) appear ( on the face of it) to be measuring what they claim to be measuring.
- temporal the ablity to generlise the finidng from a study from an investigation beyong the particular historical context of study.
- concurrent validity a way of assessing internal validity by determining the extent to which a psychological test/measure/scale relates to a similar existing, reconised and well established measure/test/scale.
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