- Created by: arek.wasek
- Created on: 08-04-14 12:47
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- Variation
- When does variation occur?
- INTRESPECIFIC VARIATION - this is when one species differs from another.
- INTRASPECIFIC VARIATION - this is when members of the same species also differ from each other.
- What causes variation?
- MUTATION is the one factor that can cause the variation. These sudden changes in DNA may or may not be passed om.
- MEIOSIS is the second factor. This mixes up the genetic material before it is passed into the gametes, all of which are therefore different.
- FUSION OF GAMETES is the third factor. This is random process in which gametes from both parents are different so it adds more to the variety of offspring.
- How do we measure it?
- We can measure the Variance by calsulating STANDARD DEVIATION
- When does variation occur?
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