Character Quotes
- Created by: amberjedxo
- Created on: 21-05-17 14:49
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- Various Characters
- Mrs Joe
- 'pounced'
- Anthropomorphism
- Mrs Joe is wild and unpredictable
- Has the characteristics of the stereotypical women of the lower class
- Mrs Joe is wild and unpredictable
- Anthropomorphism
- 'out for property'
- Wealth drove each person in a different way
- Greedy
- Wealth drove each person in a different way
- 'pounced'
- Pumblechook
- 'abject hypocrite'
- Influences readers feelings
- 'fearful imposter'
- Pip feels strongly about Pumblechook
- Influences readers feelings
- Pip feels strongly about Pumblechook
- 'dear young friend'
- Only nice when Pip has wealth
- Taught to be nice to Gentlemen
- Greedy and just wants Pip's money
- Only nice when Pip has wealth
- 'abject hypocrite'
- Herbert
- 'intimate companion'
- Herbert is the nicest member of the upper class
- He is also the only one who has rejected their money and class
- Herbert is the nicest member of the upper class
- 'intimate companion'
- Drummle
- 'blundering, brutal manner'
- Drummle is the opposite of what Gentlemen were thought to be
- 'blundering, brutal manner'
- Jaggers
- 'I am not curious'
- Jaggers knows how the law works and how to avoid it
- Sneaky
- Jaggers knows how the law works and how to avoid it
- 'I am not curious'
- Wemmick
- 'Walworth is one place, the office is another'
- Wemmick disassociates himself from London because he is aware that it has a negative effect
- 'Walworth is one place, the office is another'
- Mrs Joe
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