Victorian (and prose)
- Created by: elliee.lewis
- Created on: 09-04-19 09:18
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- Victorian period
- Industrial Revolution caused a massive class divide that got the rich richer and kept the poor poor.
- Marxist ideas and class struggles thus prominent
- population doubled in this era
- industrialisation and the class divide big themes
- Charles Darwin's theory of evolution and the increasing challenge to religious ideas
- distinct gender roles including the requirement for women to be chained to the domestic sphere
- Industrial Revolution caused a massive class divide that got the rich richer and kept the poor poor.
- Prose fiction and the novel
- the general idea that hard work and perseverance will win out in the end despite society struggles
- Authors such as Charles Dickens and assertive of moral purpose
- Realism and human progress
- Age of pessimism and confusion
- Progress, nostalgia, serialisation
- Prose fiction and the novel
- Victorian Prose
- Long and unorganised composition.
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