Virtue Ethics
- Created by: Rhianna
- Created on: 17-05-13 17:31
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- Virtue Ethics
- Plato
- Considered some virtues central
- Justice, Temperance, Prudence and Courage
- Justin Timberlake is Pretty Cute
- Plato
- Justice, Temperance, Prudence and Courage
- Someone who achieves eudaimonia is someone who uses their reason well.
- Aristotle
- Virtue ethics or aretic ethics.
- Human well-being and flourishing is life characterised by the virtues.
- Good human life is one lived in harmony and co-operation with others.
- Human well-being and flourishing is life characterised by the virtues.
- Two types of virtues
- Intellectual virtues
- Developed by training and education
- Moral Virtues
- Cultivated by habit
- To become honest you have to practice honesty.
- Whilst everyone has the potential to develop intellectual and moral virtues few will.
- Dependent on social factors.
- Whilst everyone has the potential to develop intellectual and moral virtues few will.
- To become honest you have to practice honesty.
- Cultivated by habit
- Intellectual virtues
- Virtue ethics or aretic ethics.
- Golden Mean
- Finding the balance between two means
- Extremes of character are unhelpful
- Virtue is to be found between two vices
- Finding the balance between two means
- Aristotle
- Not the same for everyone and depends on circumstances
- Golden Mean
- Finding the balance between two means
- Extremes of character are unhelpful
- Virtue is to be found between two vices
- Finding the balance between two means
- Golden Mean
- Virtuous person does far more than conform to the conventions of society.
- Philippa Foot
- Modern Virtue Ethics
- Virtue Ethics
- Virtue Ethics
- Virtue does not operate as a virtue when turned to a bad end
- Modern Virtue Ethics
- Philippa Foot
- Rosalind Hursthouse
- Virtues are virtues because they help a person achieve eudaimonia
- Modern Virtue Ethics
- Michael Slote
- Virtue ethics being based on common-sense ideas and intuitions of what virtue is
- Strengths
- Avoids having to use a formula
- Weaknesses
- Difficulty in identifying the virtues
- Does not seem to have room for rules and obligations
- Weaknesses
- Involves our whole lives
- Avoids having to use a formula
- Virtue is a balance of caring between those who are close to us, and people in general
- Michael Slote
- Virtue ethics being based on common-sense ideas and intuitions of what virtue is
- Strengths
- Avoids having to use a formula
- Weaknesses
- Difficulty in identifying the virtues
- Does not seem to have room for rules and obligations
- Weaknesses
- Involves our whole lives
- Avoids having to use a formula
- Michael Slote
- Stresses the importance of motivating people to be good
- Does not pretend to be able to tell us what a good person would do in every situation