- Created by: iqra
- Created on: 05-05-17 18:19
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- virus
- one protein called capsid
- formed by self assembly of capsomers
- glycoproteins
- antigens for immune system
- host cell provides
- nucleotides for nucleic acids
- ribosomes for protein synthesis
- atp for energy
- golgi and er for packaging and processing
- what makes it?
- capsid
- nucleic acid
- sometimes envelope
- sometimes a capsule
- bacteria virus
- infect in virus and replicate
- 'bacteriophag-e'
- has head,collar,tail,tail pins and fibers
- life cycle
- attachment
- via receptors on host cells
- enveloped virus
- fuses with cell membrane
- penetration
- prophage
- synthesis
- assembly and packaging
- lysis(release)
- latency-undetected
- attachment
- types
- labda
- lytic cycle
- new bacteriophage
- lysogenic
- virus genome into bacteria
- lytic cycle
- t4
- causes host cell death
- labda
- plants
- tobacco mosaic virus
- cell culture
- primary
- from live animal tissue
- diploid
- embryos
- continuous
- immortal(no stopping)
- primary
- plaque assay
- agar spread over virus to form holes
- holes -dead cells
- agar spread over virus to form holes
- one protein called capsid
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