Visionary Fragments
- Created by: sidz_1.swfc
- Created on: 23-08-19 12:44
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- Visionary Fragments
- Coleridgean Fragments:
- Kubla Khan
- "Psychological curiosity"
- Coleridge focuses on the architecture and the loveliness of its garden.
- "Famous and mysterious poem"
- "At the bottom of the last surviving manuscript: Coleridge was taken ill and took opium for the pain."
- The Knight's Tomb
- "Great master of the creative fragment."
- Coleridge's fragments bring us as close as we can get to the threshold of the creative process itself.
- He is experimenting, rejecting, forgetting and recovering.
- Coleridge became fascinated in later life with psychology of creativity and the mechanism of inspiration.
- The fragments give us a unique sense of Coleridge actually at work as a poet.
- He is simultaneously the passive, astonished dreamer and the active, meticulous craftsman.
- He wistfully asks for some younger poet to recover his inspiration for him, and turn the prose notes back to poetry.
- a small haphazard piece of unfinished work, such as; The Knight's Tomb.
- Richard Holmes
- Seamus Perry
- Seamus Perry
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