Vitamin A mindmap
- Created by: smontgomery57
- Created on: 13-10-16 11:15
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- Vitamin A
- Functions
- Normal Iron Metabolism
- Maintenance of skin and vision
- Normal function of immune system
- Helps prevent some kinds of cancer and heart disease
- Enhances immune response to invection
- Help see in the dark
- Forms
- Retinol
- Beta-Carotene
- Antioxidant
- Sources
- Beta-Carotene
- Orange and yellow fruit and vegetables
- Plant source
- Retinol
- Liver, steak, beef, pork and lamb
- Animal source
- Beta-Carotene
- Excess
- Fractured bones at old age
- Can lead to pregnancy related still birth and miscarriage
- Can damage the liver
- Excess can be toxic to the body
- Deficiency
- Night Blindness
- Liver and bone damage
- The body can't synthesize rhodopisin
- can cause xerophthalmia
- Factors affecting bio-availability & absorption
- Small amounts lost during frying
- Oxidation during storage
- Food protein techniques
- Functions
- Retinol
- Liver, steak, beef, pork and lamb
- Animal source
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