Vitamin B2 mindmap
- Created by: smontgomery57
- Created on: 14-10-16 10:24
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- Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
- Functions
- Keeps skin and eyes healthy
- Keeps immune system healthy
- Helps the body release energy from the food we eat
- Promotes iron metabolism
- Sources
- Milk, eggs, rice, fortified breakfast cereals
- Excess
- No evidence
- Excess is excreted via urine
- Factors affecting the bio-availability & absorption
- Slightly soluble in water
- Stable to heat
- Works with iron, B6 and folic acid
- Sensitive to light (UV rays destroy it)
- Deficiency
- Dryness/ cracking of skin around mouth and nose
- Red, dry and painful toungue
- Mouth ulcers
- Sore throat
- Blood vessels invade corner of the eye
- Scaly skin
- Functions
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