Vitamin C mindmap
- Created by: cfallis853
- Created on: 27-03-17 12:27
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- Vitamin C
- Sources : Blackcurrants citrus fruits Berries Dark green veg Carrots
- Potatoes contain some Vitamin C and are important in the British diet
- Functions
- Needed to make collagen (protein)
- Aids the absorption of non-haem iron to protect against amaemia
- Antioxidant- protects against CVD and cancer by destroying free radicals
- Strengthens the immune system
- Assists in the building of strong bones and teeth
- Deficiency
- Scurvy - bruising and haemorrhaging under the skin, black gums, slow wound healing and loose teeth.
- Anaemia due to failure to absorb iron. Symptoms include dizziness, fatigue and paleness.
- Groups vulnerable to deficiency are the elderly - loss of appetite. People on low incomes - Can't afford fresh food.
- Excess
- If very large doses are taken, it could lead to kidney stones.
- Stability of Vitamin
- Very soluble in water and therefore leaches out in water
- Oxidation of Vitamin C
- Alkaline conditions
- High temperatures
- Exposure to light
- About a 50% loss rate during the canning of fruit and veg
- Greater loss during the drying of foods
- Frozen foods retain the most vitamin C
- Sources : Blackcurrants citrus fruits Berries Dark green veg Carrots
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