Voting Systems
Just a couple of things to bear in mind when using this resouce:
- I'm sorry it's quite crowded! I pushed it all in so it can be printed easily
- N.I. is Northern Ireland
- Yellow points with the blue I icon are descriptions
- Blue points with the blue person are examples
- Green points with the green tick are advantages
- Red points with the red cross are disadvantages
Happy revising!
- Created by: ExamQueen101
- Created on: 25-01-21 20:09
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- Voting Systems
- FPTP (first past the post)
- UK Parliament
- Candidate with most votes wins. Non-proportional.
- Local authorities in England and Wales
- Councils can choose to call an election every three years, or a third to retire each year.
- Simple to use
- Outcome is known quickly
- People can be elected on a minority of the vote
- Smaller parties are under represented
- UK Parliament
- Closed Party List
- European Parliament
- Voters cast a single vote for a party on a party list. The no. of votes per party determines how many of their members are elected.
- Greater proportionality than other options
- Voter has no choice regarding order of candidates on the list
- Single Transferrable Vote
- European Parliament (N.I)
- N.I. Assembly
- N.I. Local Councils
- Scottish Local Councils
- Proportional system - electors place candidates in number order. Candidates need a quota to win, votes above quota are redistributed to lower choices.
- Every vote counts to elect someone
- Results closely match the votes per party.
- Coalitions are more likely
- Results take time to count.
- Supplementary Vote
- Directly Elected Mayors
- Police and Crime Commissioners
- Voters have 1st and 2nd choice. Winner must receive over 50%
- The winner has over 50% of vote
- Winner often relies on 2nd choices
- Additional Member System
- Scottish Parliament
- Welsh Assembly
- Greater London Authority
- Voters have 2 votes; one for a candidate, second for party list.
- First vote is like FPTP
- Second vote ensures it is proportional
- Wishes of voters are closely aligned with outcome.
- Ends up with 2 types of elected member - one directly, another from a list.
- FPTP (first past the post)
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